中国国际供应链促进博览会路演和企业交流会(美国站)将于7月14日10:30-13:00(美国东部时间)/ 7月14日22:30-01:00(北京时间)在华盛顿特区举行。届时将邀请中国驻美国大使馆、贸易投资促进机构、商协会和企业代表出席,中国贸促会会长任鸿斌也将视频连线宣介链博会。现诚邀工商界朋友线上参会,了解更多链博会信息!
时间:美东时间2023年7月14日(星期五)10:30-13:003505 International Pl NW, Washington DC 20008中国驻美国大使馆经商处
4. 美国中国总商会会长、中国银行美国地区行长胡威(视频连线)中国国际展览中心集团有限公司董事长林舜杰推介链博会11:00-11:30 主题研讨一:绿色农业 互利共赢11:30-12:00 主题研讨二:健康生活 美丽人生主持人:美国生物科技创新组织国际事务高级经理马塞尔•卡明斯2. 美国生物科技创新组织行业项目和伙伴关系副总裁凌意心3. 美国华人医药生物科技协会秘书长、阿诺医药临床药理部门执行总监宋绪阳2. 波士顿国际商业理事会联席主席、美中伙伴关系委员会联席主席哈金(视频连线)
Agenda for the China International Supply Chain Expo Roadshow and Business Networking(10:30-13:00 EST, July 14, 2023, 3505 International Pl NW, Washington DC 20008)Moderator: Zhao Jianying, Deputy General Representative, CCPIT Representative Office in the U.S.A.- Ren Hongbin, Chairman, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (via video link)
- Xu Xueyuan, Deputy Chief of Mission and Minister, Chinese Embassy in the U.S.A.
- Craig Allen, President, US-China Business Council
- Hu Wei, Chairman, China General Chamber of Commerce; President, Bank of China USA (via video link)
10:50 Introduction of CISCE- Introduction of CISCE by Lin Shunjie, Director of the Board, China International Exhibition Center Group Limited
11:00 Panel I: Green Agriculture for Mutual BenefitsModerator: Jiao Dian, Counsellor, Chinese Embassy in the U.S.A. - Robert Tobiassen, President, National Association of Beverage Importers
- Rosalind Leeck, Senior Director, Market Access and Regional Director, North Asia, U.S. Soybean Export Council
- Cary B. Sifferath, Vice President, U.S. Grains Council
- Min Fan, Executive Director, United States Heartland China Association (via video link)
11:30 Panel II: Healthy Life and Better LivingModerator: Marcel Kaminstein, Senior Manager, International Relations, Biotechnology Innovation Organization- Monica He, Head of International Policy and Government Affairs, Organon
- Susanna Ling, Vice President, Industry Programs & Partnerships, Biotechnology Innovation Organization
- Xuyang Song, Secretary-General, Executive Committee of the Chinese Biopharmaceutical Association; Executive Director, Global Head of Clinical Pharmacology, Adlai Nortye
- Leslie Alan Glick, FellowShareholder, Butzel
- Gene Hartigan, Co-President Boston International Business Council, Co-Chair US-China Partnership Committee (via video link)
12:10-13:00 Networking Lunch